The Life between Hotel and Township

The Nomad is a series of stories, fascinations, encounters, observations, experiences, joy of the moments by me, Ulrike Reinhard – all around my travels. Stay tuned! Ulrike Reinhard is The Nomad 🙂 The Life between Hotel and Township I stayed for 24 nights in a hotel in Swakopmund on the coast of western Namibia, 352 km […]

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Maltahöhe – The Revival of a Desert Gateway

The Nomad is a series of stories, fascinations, encounters, observations, experiences, joy of the moments by me, Ulrike Reinhard – all around my travels. Stay tuned! Ulrike Reinhard is The Nomad 🙂 Maltahöhe in Southern Namibia has German roots. It was founded in 1899 by Henning von Burgsdorff, a former officer in the German Schutztruppe, […]

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Spitzkoppe – The Matterhorn of Namibia

The Spitzkoppe is a group of bald granite peaks located between Usakos and Swakopmund in the Namib desert. It is a 1.5 hours drive from Swakopmund, the last 30 km are dirt road. The granite is more than 150 million years old and the highest outcrop rises about 1,728 metres above sea level. The peaks […]

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Who Am I?

The Nomad is a series of stories, fascinations, encounters, observations, experiences, joy of the moments by me, Ulrike Reinhard – all around my travels. Stay tuned! Ulrike Reinhard is The Nomad 🙂 The first I experienced was my family, in Heidelberg, Germany. The city back then was still ‘colonised’ by the American GI’s – they […]

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The Greater WE – How WE all can build a more human world and overcome old capitalistic constraints This is an expose for a book written in January 2023. It is now with a couple of publishing houses. Keep your fingers crossed. Summary We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking when we created […]

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